improving hair coverage after multiple hair transplants

Improving hair coverage after multiple hair transplants


Improving hair coverage after multiple hair transplants

Male age 39 (at time of consultation)
Age of onset of hair loss – 17

Man had 3 FUT (strip) hair transplants, and 2 FUE hair transplants before he had his first consultation with us at age 39. Although he has been highly DHT-sensitive throughout his adult life, with evidence showing with pattern hair loss at 17, he was only on finasteride 5 years prior to his consultation. With his multiple transplants and rapid rate of hair loss progression, he adopted a short hairstyle to blend his thin native hair with thicker transplanted hair

before and after TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration treatment. 14 months after treatment shows improve hair coverage
Thicker hair growth after the TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration treatment allowed this 40-year-old man to have a longer hairstyle, as he previously kept his short to blend thicker transplanted hair with thin native hair.

He had the TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration at age 39. 14 months after a single treatment, at age 40, he achieved thicker and stronger hair that allowed him to wear a longer hairstyle. He claimed that his hair has not felt this healthy in 20 years.

before and 15 months after TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration treatment. After photo shows Thicker hair of male patient.
Thicker hair after the TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration treatment thickened the mix of transplanted and native hair at the frontal hairline, giving a more natural-looking hair density

This case shows that hair thickness and density can still be improved years after early and aggressive pattern hair loss, and with both native and transplanted hair.

TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration treatment on early and aggressive pattern hair loss. before and after photo
Multiple transplants spaced widely apart, and thin native hair left this man with little hair density. With the Hair Regeneration thickening grafted and native hair, and improving overall hair health, he was able to grow a longer hairstyle and get more hair coverage throughout the head.